Saturday, September 29, 2018

An Eventful Week at Glenbrook

This week was quite a busy one with lots of fun and friendship.  The PTA sponsored 2 events, both of which brought us lots of smiles.

We've done lots of walk-a-thons at Glenbrook which included several themes, but this year was the first time for a Color-a-thon.  It was a bit messy, but talk about fun.  Giggles were all around as students ran, walked and rolled around the school and through blowing clouds of color.  It was definitely an event to remember! Thanks to all of our brave and wonderful volunteers!

Math Night/Ice Cream Social

Our annual Math Night/Ice Cream Social is always a great time. The students and their parents are always surprised at what a great time they can have playing games that involve math.  For each game the students and their parents played, they earned a topping on their ice cream sundaes. It was a fun and delicious event!  Thanks to all of the teachers who came out to organize the event and to Mrs. Nicole Martinez who was the parent brains behind the entire operation!