Friday, September 27, 2019

A Colorful Week

Wednesday brought a rainbow of color at Glenbrook for our 2nd Annual Color-A-Thon.  The staff and students had a great time walking through the clouds of color that surrounded all of us. Yes, we were a mess, but it was worth it.  Thanks to all of the volunteers who joined us for this exciting fundraiser.  We couldn't have done it without you!

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Sunday, September 22, 2019

PTA of Glenbrook

This week we held our first Parent/Teachers of Glenbrook (PTA) Meeting. I can not express how grateful I am to have such an amazing group of parents here at Glenbrook.  Our first meeting was well attended and included many of our veteran parents as well as several moms and dads who are new to Glenbrook.  This goal of this group is to provide support for families, students, and staff as they navigate through the social and academic environment here at Glenbrook.  The team of parents offers opportunities for families to socialize, learn, raise funds for our school, and provide new and interesting experiences for our students.    Below are a few pictures from last year of some of the events and activities that the PTA has provided for us.  I sincerely hope that each and every one of our families will join the PTA to ensure that we are doing everything we can to make Glenbrook the best experience for all of our children. 

From left to right:  Nicole Martinez (President), Cheryl DeRoo (Principal),
Erin Sorellino (Secretary), Stephanie LeMaire (Treasurer)

BINGO/LOTERIA - This event is done twice per year and is fun for the whole family. Even grandparents enjoy playing with our group. We will have another event coming up in November, so watch for the flyer soon. 

The Anderson Book Fair comes twice per year and is a favorite of our boys and girls. In the Spring our 6th graders sponsor a Family Reading Night and in the fall we do a Family Math Night. Coming up on October 2, our Family Math Night and Fall Book Fair will also be paired with an Ice Cream Social.  What's not to love!  You won't want to miss this event.

The Halloween Bash is the largest and most well-attended event of the year. This year the bash will take place on Friday, October 11.  It's so large we hold it at Canton Middle School.  Watch for information which will come out soon. 

Our partnership with the Windy City Bulls began next year thanks to one of our 6th graders, Aiden Shrode. He is a true fan and a regular at the games. He connected us and we had a great time at the game. This year will be no exception I'm sure.  The game this year will be on November 9, so save the date!


Our 2nd Annual Color - a- thon is coming up next week.  You may want to prepare your children for this crazy, messy event. Don't worry parents, the color washes right out, even off of white!  So... dress in play clothes, but don't you fret, we will have messy yet harmless fun on Wednesday, September 25!

Pastries for Parents is the most delicious way to start the day!  On October 16th our K-3 event will take place while our 4-6 will happen in the spring.  What a great way to visit with parents and start the day right!

Our second-largest event of the year is the Family Fun Fair which will take place in the spring. Families can eat, play and win together! We will need lots of help with this one!

There are dozens of more things that our PTA does for the students, staff,  and families at Glenbrook. From Dining Out Nights to supporting academic programs, to bereavement gifts, this group of adults has been vital to the success of our school.  Our next PTA meeting will be held on October 21 at 6:30 pm in the school's library.  Babysitting is provided, so bring the kids along.  We hold the meeting to 1 hour, so don't be afraid to join us! For more information, visit the Glenbrook PTA Facebook page at Glenbrook PTA Facebook .