Saturday, November 7, 2020

 Ready for In-Person Learning

On Monday we are scheduled for our K-2 hybrid students to begin in-person learning. We are excited to see our youngest ones finally in person!  We do know that safety must be our utmost priority as we get back to the building.  This blog shares some of the safety steps that we have taken as a school and district.  Students will receive training and patience will be the key as we navigate this again unchartered territory for us.  Thank you everyone!

Superintendent Tony Sanders and several principals put together a video to help students understand the 4 most important safety rules to prevent the spread of COVID 19 in school.  This will be shared with all K-2 hybrid students on Monday.  If you'd like to take a look and share it with your students before that, please do. The link to the video can be found here. 

The school looks empty now, but we are ready for our youngest learners to return!

  These white circles will help students see where to stand to ensure social distancing while lining up in the morning and while waiting to go home at the end of the day. 

Signage with pictures to support our learners will help adults and students to understand the safety expectations of our school and of District U-46.  These can be found throughout the building and on outside doors.  

Classrooms are ready, welcoming, and seating is set up for social distancing.  The methods in which we learn will be quite different and adjusting will take time.  We are resilient and strong. We have one another!

Throughout the building we are set up for safety with markings for social distance seating, extra handwashing stations added, and sanitizer provided too.  Students will have the ability to refill water bottles with the addition of several water stations placed throughout the building. 

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