Celebrating our 6th Grade Leaders
This week we celebrated our 6th graders. Many of them have been at Glenbrook since they were in Kindergarten, others joined just this year, and several somewhere in between. No matter when they came to Glenbrook, they have become part of our Glenbrook family, the history of our school. They have made an impact on all of us. We are so proud of their accomplishments and we congratulate them for a great year. Each of them have grown into outstanding young people. We will miss them!
Mrs. Diaz-Blanco's Class
Fun with Giant Jenga
Reading and relaxing outdoors
Creating Imaginary Landscapes
Olympic Winners
Ready for the assembly.
Mrs. Chandler-Roth's Class
They students enjoyed a little cooperative group creative STEM activity called "You Want Me To Do What?!" The students worked over 2 days to build a structure of their choice. They then wrote detailed instructions for another group to replicate their structure and answer some mathematics questions. They had a great discussion about perspective when they finished!
Mrs. Jagielski's Class
Rube Goldberg Machines -
Rube Goldberg machines are humorous, unnecessarily complicated inventions that use many steps to accomplish simple tasks.
Mrs. Bury's Class
After finishing up the book Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library by Chris Grabenstein, Mrs. Bury's class did their own "Breakout" in Glenbrook's library by following some very challenging clues.
Kid Jungle - Power Style Show - The 6th graders were treated to an afternoon of dance. Thank you to Glenbrook PTA for sponsoring the event. The students learned all about the history of dance and the power of unity that dance brings to us. They watched some amazing dancers and even had a chance to learn a few steps themselves.
Awards Assembly
6th Grade Awards
Those Who Excel - These students were honored last month as our 6th graders who excelled in all areas. One student from each 6th grade class was honored at a district awards night. Congratulations to Sabrina Gomez, Rainelle Seriosa, Jade Martinez and Natalie Perez.
Rising Star Award - Our very own Diavyance Richardson was recognized at Hanover Township for the youth leadership award called the Rising Star Award. This award is given out at the township level for a student that has show a wide variety of leadership, academic and citizenship skills.
Presidential Awards - Academic Excellence
These awards are given to students who go above and beyond their classmates to earn the highest marks while still managing to become leaders and members of activity clubs at Glenbrook. (Patrols, peer tutors, mentors, chorus, BOB etc...)

Presidential Award for Academic Achievement
This Award is given to students who have show tremendous improvement and effort throughout the school year. They are hard workers and leaders at Glenbrook as well as members of activity clubs. (Patrols, peer tutors, mentors, chorus, BOB etc...)
Presidential Award for Outstanding Character
This Award is give to students who have shown great character traits consistent with Hawk Pride expectations. They are hard workers and at Glenbrook as well as members of activity clubs. (Patrols, peer tutors, mentors, chorus, BOB etc...)
Perfect Attendance
These students were at school everyday this school year. (K-6) A few students are missing from the photo due to classroom activities. Way to go Glenbrook students, It's not easy to get up every day and stay healthy!! They had an opportunity to win a bicycle in a drawing with 2 bikes donated by Ilir Sako of Horace Mann. Congratulations to
Aaditya Sanghavi and Alea Soriano, this year's winners!