Friday, September 11, 2020

 Who Says Learning Can't Be Tons Of Fun!

Just look at these faces and you will see the delight!  These kiddos had a great week of learning mixed with lots of fun too.  Mrs. Chandler's class celebrated a week of hard work with a Star Wars Day. What fun that was!  

Sometimes there is lots of concentration, and sometimes, a break, a dance, and a smile.  Thanks for sending in the photos, parents! I love them!

Mary Hanson was our first positive referral student!  Way to show Hawk Pride Mary!  For a reward, Mary chose a virtual lunch with the principal. (Mrs. DeRoo had just as much fun as Mary!)

Look at these Beauties!  Brianna and Isabella Acosta performed Hispanic Folk dances for Bartlett's Diversity in Art Celebration.


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