Friday, September 25, 2020

Week 5

Ms. Jetha Departs


We are sad to say that our Lunch Supervisor Lead, Ms. Jetha Fuller, is leaving Glenbrook. Oh, we will miss her so!  Ms. Jetha always had a smile on her face and a warm greeting for the staff and students. Her priority was to make sure that each student felt special.  When she heard it was their birthday, they got an individual song and dance from Ms. Jetha.  What a treat!  Ms. Jetha always made sure that every student had plenty to eat too.  Throughout the school year, during our COVID19 lockdown, and all summer long, Ms. Jetha was at school preparing and packaging meals.  Now, Ms. Jetha Fuller moves on to a full-time management position in central Illinois.  We wish her the best of health, happiness, and prosperity!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Week 4 

Keep those photos coming!

I so appreciate the photos parents, teachers, and students are sending!  Thank you!  If you want to be represented though, you have to send them in.  Please do, they are fun to see and really show how much students are focused on their learning while having some fun too.  Photos and 10-second videos can be sent to

Hat Day - 4/5 Grade


Wear a Mask!

Mr. Michel, the Kindergarten Dual Language teacher, reminds his students to wash their hands and wear a mask! This is great practice for when it's time to return to school.  Thank you Mr. Michel!  He used a fun song with the students last week. Spanish Mask Song .  I also found a fun one is English. English Mask Song. 

A special thank you to the dad and daughter duo of Arturo and Genesis Gomez created their own special version. Check it out!  Dad and Daughter Mask Duo.

Friday, September 11, 2020

 Who Says Learning Can't Be Tons Of Fun!

Just look at these faces and you will see the delight!  These kiddos had a great week of learning mixed with lots of fun too.  Mrs. Chandler's class celebrated a week of hard work with a Star Wars Day. What fun that was!  

Sometimes there is lots of concentration, and sometimes, a break, a dance, and a smile.  Thanks for sending in the photos, parents! I love them!

Mary Hanson was our first positive referral student!  Way to show Hawk Pride Mary!  For a reward, Mary chose a virtual lunch with the principal. (Mrs. DeRoo had just as much fun as Mary!)

Look at these Beauties!  Brianna and Isabella Acosta performed Hispanic Folk dances for Bartlett's Diversity in Art Celebration.


Saturday, September 5, 2020

 Lots of things are happening at Glenbrook!

I know the kids are all learning from home, but there is still some activity here at school!  Every morning Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Cervantes, and Mrs. Desario are at school bright and early preparing meals for all of the children.  They serve over 100 kids daily, and have plenty more to go around!  If you haven't heard, thanks to recent funding approval, meals are once again available for all U-46 students 18 years and under each and every day. Breakfast and lunch can be picked up daily from 7:00 am - 10:30 am using curbside pickup at no cost.  Simply drive up and your meals will be placed in your car.  

Stars at Glenbrook!

Do you watch Channel 7 news?  If you do, you may have caught Alvin (A.J.) and Kaitlyn Redmon on the morning news.  How cool is that!  Way to represent Glenbrook kids!

Fun with Distant Learning

This week the learning continues with the addition of art, music, and gym classes.  It was a bit confusing at first, but I think we've got it!  The students did enjoy connecting with Mr. Maegdlin, Mrs. Schmidt, and Mr. DeCoste.  They also enjoyed a bit of science and classroom fun too.  Thanks to parents who sent in photos. 

*To submit pictures or videos (less than 15 seconds) for the weekly blog, send them to