Sunday, April 23, 2017

Happy Earth Day!

Glenbrook students are doing their part to sustain a healthy environment by focusing our efforts this school year on recycling and composting.  This year our IGNITE 4th, 5th and 6th grade classrooms, led by their teachers Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dauksavage and Mrs. Jagielski, have taken the lead on the year long, school wide, implementation and training project. Students in the 3 classrooms researched the how to effectively recycle and compost daily at school, focusing on the cafeteria.  They created posters and other signs to support students and staff and created a training power point which they delivered in each individual classroom. The students also give up a portion of their recess each week to monitor the recycling/composting in the lunchroom in order to insure that the students are understanding and effectively implementing the practice each and every day.  

To gain insight on how recycling might impact U-46 and Glenbrook, students in Mrs. Dauksavages' class conducted interviews with Mr. Tony Sanders, CEO of U-46, Mr. Marcus LePointe, Coordinator of Custodial Services for U-46, Mrs. Ann McGovern, Lead Lunch Supervisor at Glenbrook, Mrs. Sandy Pierson, Assistant Lead Lunch Supervisor at Glenbrook, and Mrs. Cheryl DeRoo, Principal of Glenbrook. They then wrote and published newsletters which were sent electronically to students, parents and staff.  Below are the links to those newsletters.

Family Newsletter

Staff Newsletter 

Below is an article that appeared in today's Daily Herald that shares all of the events that took place in School District U-46 to mark this Earth Day.

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