Saturday, April 29, 2017

Glenbrook Student Shine

I couldn't be prouder this week of all of our Glenbrook students as they showed off their hard work and talents these past couple of weeks.   Below are just a few examples of some of the hard working success stories of these bright young people that we are proud to call Glenbrook Hawks! A special congratulations to their parents who must be extremely proud! What wonderful talent and hard work their children have shown.

Future Problem Solving Teams

Coach Ellen Smith, 4th Grade IGNITE teacher, headed down to the State Future Problem Solving Bowl this year with 2 teams.  There were 35 teams that were invited to the state bowl which was held on April 21. Congratulations to both Glenbrook teams who had an outstanding showing!

Prior to the competition, the teams had to research the problem of identity theft. At the competition the teams had 2 hours to use the 6-step process, without the help of their coach, to solve the presented scenario. The teams then had 3 hours to prepare a persuasive oral presentation of their solution.  

 This is the 3rd year in a row that our 6th grade team has been invited to the state competition Congratulations to Danyl Sulemanjee, Arjun Sivasankaran, Kush Patel and Mann Sheth. This year they placed 3rd in the oral presentations!

Our 5th grade team celebrated their 2nd year at the state competition. This year they had a fantastic showing winning 5th place in the oral presentations and 5th for the overall written competition. This is a huge feat when competing against 35 teams! Congratulations to Shaanu Singh, Arav Patel, Saranya Ganne and Sarayu Manne.

Those Who Excel

Each year our Elgin Teachers' Association honors 6th, 8th and 12th graders who have excelled in multiple areas. These are students who work hard, volunteers, lead others and exhibit strong character traits. We are so proud of the 4 students who are our Those Who Excel Winners. Congratulations!

Sabrina Gomez, Jade Martinez, Natale Perez, Rainielle Seriosa

Winners with their teachers:Mrs. Jackie Jagielski,Mrs. Laura Chandler-Roth

Mrs. Jennifer Bury and Mrs. Paula Diaz-Blanco.

Art Is Elementary

Each year Elgin State Bank hosts an Art Show to display the fine young artists across School District U-46. This year several of our students were chosen to participate. Their art work can be viewed at the bank which is located at 50 Tyler Creek Plaza in Elgin. The viewing hours are Monday - Friday from 9am-5:00 pm and Saturday from 9-12:00pm. Congratulations to all of our wonderful artists!

Pheobe Lee-Kidd (Mrs. Jagielski 6th Grade)

Emelia Rodriguez (Mrs. Dauksavage - 5th Grade)

Alexis Serrano (Mrs. Dimitrakis - 5th Grade)

Christopher Palafox (Mrs. Pico - 1st Grade)      

Raegan Fehlhafer  (Mrs. Vargas - 2nd Grade)

Isabella Acosta (Mrs. Berenson - 1st Grade)

Emmily Porquillo (Mrs. Diaz-Blanco - 6th Grade)

                                                           Nathan Taylor (Mrs. Dauksavage - 5th Grade)

Maya Tyburowski (Mrs. Dauksavage - 5th Grade)

Jimena Soto (Ms. Lucas - 5th Grade)

Jacqueline Lateano (Mrs. Gustafson - 3rd Grade)

Aashni Patel (Mrs. Smith - 4th Grade)

Elizabeth Klingaman (Mrs. Tucci - 2nd Grade)

Congratulations again for all of the students who work so hard to do their best. Way to go Glenbrook Hawks!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Happy Earth Day!

Glenbrook students are doing their part to sustain a healthy environment by focusing our efforts this school year on recycling and composting.  This year our IGNITE 4th, 5th and 6th grade classrooms, led by their teachers Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dauksavage and Mrs. Jagielski, have taken the lead on the year long, school wide, implementation and training project. Students in the 3 classrooms researched the how to effectively recycle and compost daily at school, focusing on the cafeteria.  They created posters and other signs to support students and staff and created a training power point which they delivered in each individual classroom. The students also give up a portion of their recess each week to monitor the recycling/composting in the lunchroom in order to insure that the students are understanding and effectively implementing the practice each and every day.  

To gain insight on how recycling might impact U-46 and Glenbrook, students in Mrs. Dauksavages' class conducted interviews with Mr. Tony Sanders, CEO of U-46, Mr. Marcus LePointe, Coordinator of Custodial Services for U-46, Mrs. Ann McGovern, Lead Lunch Supervisor at Glenbrook, Mrs. Sandy Pierson, Assistant Lead Lunch Supervisor at Glenbrook, and Mrs. Cheryl DeRoo, Principal of Glenbrook. They then wrote and published newsletters which were sent electronically to students, parents and staff.  Below are the links to those newsletters.

Family Newsletter

Staff Newsletter 

Below is an article that appeared in today's Daily Herald that shares all of the events that took place in School District U-46 to mark this Earth Day.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Sixth Graders Connect and Explore Outdoor Education

Our six grade classrooms always enjoy their extended day outdoor education experience at Camp Duncan and this year was no exception. On Thursday, all 4 classrooms spent the day at the camp exploring the outdoors and participating in team and partner activities themed in science and survival.  Each activity required problem solving and teamwork to complete.  Check out the photos below for a glimpse into the day.

The students meet in the center gathering place to start the day and between activities.  Here is where they find out what their next event will be. 

In the above photos teams are learning about the life cycle and in particular, life that may be found in water.  They explore, through microscopes, water samples that they collected from Fish Lake.  The  students were amazed at the tiny creatures that were collected from the water samples. 

Using a GPS, students navigated their way around a large area finding clues to solve the final puzzle. This required lots of patience and teamwork!

When lost in the woods, or trying to survive a plane crash, there are lots of survival techniques one needs to be aware of. We were all quite surprised how we needed to rely on teamwork and the items around us to create the things we needed most to survive!  

What kids don't love apps?  The students learned that there are lots of apps that are fun and that they they can learn from too!  The students used Google Earth to find places around the world. They practiced tying a variety of knots using, What Knot to Do. They found constellations and planets using Sky View and identified leaves and trees using Leaf Snap.  

Archery was a favorite event for many, including the staff!  It's not as easy as it looks, but several managed to hit the target and a couple even got a bulls eye, including Mrs. Bury!

 The teams course was a way for leadership to shine through, and it did!  Teams of 8 - 10 students worked hard to solve difficult problems that were virtually impossible without communication.  Each time, they failed over and over again until they worked together to communicate, lead and problem solve. They cheered each other on and had a great time once they accomplished the task!

No camp experience would be complete without a bonfire and some campfire songs.  We all sang along and got just a little silly, but what happens at camp stays at camp, so only still pictures will be shared!

Of course we managed to stop for lunch and a delicious kid style dinner of chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese and a salad bar. After a long day, appetites were hearty!

Before leaving camp, we ended the day with a drum ceremony. All students participated by playing along and sharing in the beat.  

After a long day, the students returned to school and waited for their parents to pick them up so they could share the stories of their exciting day. They were all exhausted, including the adults, and probably thankful that Friday was a day of rest as we celebrated the spring holiday and a day off of school.

Thank you Sixth Graders for a great day and for showing such amazing leadership and Hawk Pride. Thank you teachers and staff for supporting us so that this will be a memorable day for all of our students. Thank you Camp Duncan for another day of fun and adventure!