Family Reading Night
Each year Glenbrook's PTA partners with Elgin High School students, led by teachers Deb Perryman and Brigid Trimble, to hold a Family Reading Night. This event is a great way to showcase outstanding picture books while also having teen role models for our young readers. All of the students, both young and nearing adulthood, enjoy the experience. To help advertise the book fair, Glenbrook students had the opportunity to participate in a video creation contest. We had lots of wonderful videos submitted. Check them out at
Glenbrook PTA Fall Book Fair Advertisement Videos. The winning videos were:
Most Creative: The Bad Guys: By Isha Dalal and Surabhi Idnani
Most Interesting: Dog Man: By Shawn Blomquist, Isreal Navarrete, Ethan Oloris, Samantha White,and Natalia Wlodarczyk
Best Summary: Don't Throw It Io Mo!: By: Jakob (Kuba) Lapinski
The book fair was open for the evening for the parents to shop with their children. It was also open all week during the school day for all children to peruse and buy books. Thanks to the many parent and family volunteers as well as volunteers from Westbook Senior Living, a new local retirement community. We appreciate our new community partner! Our book fair would not be able to open without the help of all of our volunteers. A special thanks to Mrs. Jill Piwko who organized the entire event.

Students always look forward to visiting with the "letter people" at the book fair. Students from Elgin High School wear letter aprons and students name words that begin with that letter. The older they are, the more words they need to brainstorm. When they find all 26 letter people and successfully complete the task, they win a free book to take home!
After listening to stories students complete some interesting crafts and exploratory activities. From decorating cookies to examining worms in dirt, the students have a great time learning from their older peers, some of which are Glenbrook alumni!
Each student was given a raffle ticket just for attending the book fair and 3 book bags were given away the next morning with a drawing. Congratulations to our winners:
K-3 Books: Raegan Fehlhafer
4-6 Books: Isabella Stevens
K-6 Spanish Books: Angelo Velgara