Sunday, February 7, 2016

Meet Glenbrook's Future Problem Solvers Teams

On Saturday, eight of Glenbrook's students headed to Illinois Math and Science Academy (IMSA) to participate in the local "Future Problems Solving International" competition. These students have spent countless hours at home and after school preparing for the competition with the support of their coach Mrs. Ellen Smith. 

This year the "theme" is Natural Disasters.  The teams already know that the problem they will have to solve will involve 1 of 12 natural disasters.  They have been spending time researching natural disasters and solutions to problems that occur during catastrophic events resulting from these natural disasters.  



When the students arrive at the competition, they will be given their problem.  Their task is to write 12 solutions and then pick the best solution.  They then have less than 2 hours to write a 6 paragraph essay  as well as develop and memorize a script which they will perform in front of a panel as well as other audience members. (friends, family and other competitors)

The students plan ahead the "props" that they will bring.  They earn points in the competition by using as many props as possible and by how creatively they use the props.

Team 1, our 5th grade team, veteran problem solvers having won 3rd place in the competition and going to state last year.  (Mann, Danyl, Arjun and Kush)  This year we are sending a new 4th grade rookie team to the competition as well. (Saranya, Sarayu, Gurshaan, Arav)  When asked what they are excited about as they enter the competition the students replied, "It's fun to work as a team" "We learn fun skills to make skits."  "The problems and the scenarios are pretty interesting." "Since we are a first year rookie team we have a better chance of going to state." "I like that if we go to state, we can get a day off of school to visit places and eat pizza and things!"  (The state competition is held in  Bloomington.)  

We find out the results of the competition in about a month. 

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