Sunday, August 23, 2015

First Week Of School

The first week of school got off to a great start!  Classrooms worked hard to set up routines and students reconnected and made new friends.

Mrs. Rodriguez and her Dual Language First Grade classroom has already begun learning with the new Eureka Math program.

Students in Mrs. Gustafson's 3rd/4th Multigrade classroom are working in small groups to learn new vocabulary words.  Cooperative learning is an important part of our school environment.                   

Technology is already at use in Mrs. Diaz-Blanco's 5th/6th Multigrade classroom.  Students are creating passwords and will use computers for extra practice, research and as a communication tool this year. What a great way to prepare them to be "college and career ready!"

This week we also taught the children about our "Hawk Pride" expectations.

                                                                             Be Respectful
                                                   Be Responsible
                                                                             Be Real Safe
DL 1st Grade learn about PBIS on the playground
Ms. Lucas' 5th Grade learning a team game.

Mrs. Cannon's 3rd grade plays kickball.
6th graders show other students how to play
many of our SPA (Supervised Physical Activity Games)