Sunday, August 30, 2015

Take a look at Glenbrook's breakfast and lunch program. Each morning over 100 students join Mrs. McGovern and Mrs. Pierson for a delicious healthy breakfast.  Breakfast begins at 7:25 am and is served until 7:55 am.  The cost is only $1.25 and many of our families qualify for free or reduced meals.  Don't forget that if you think your child may qualify for free or reduced breakfast and lunch, you must apply every year.  Please apply online at or call the school to have an application sent home.

 Mr. Chavez, Mrs. Vargas and Mrs. Chellberg join the students in the morning for a delicious and nutritious breakfast.  What a great way to start of the day. Healthy food and smiling faces!!!

The lunch room can be quite a busy place, but our noon hour
supervisors do a great job helping students get everything they need
to have a delicious lunch whether they bring their own or get a hot lunch
from Mrs. McGovern or Mrs. Pierson. 

"Tap and Stack" is what the students do
to help Mr. Luis recycle the containers. 

Pizza is always a favorite at Glenbrook!

Chocolate milk is a favorite, but we also have
Strawberry and regular milk available. 
We always remind students to get their fruit and vegetable choice too!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

First Week Of School

The first week of school got off to a great start!  Classrooms worked hard to set up routines and students reconnected and made new friends.

Mrs. Rodriguez and her Dual Language First Grade classroom has already begun learning with the new Eureka Math program.

Students in Mrs. Gustafson's 3rd/4th Multigrade classroom are working in small groups to learn new vocabulary words.  Cooperative learning is an important part of our school environment.                   

Technology is already at use in Mrs. Diaz-Blanco's 5th/6th Multigrade classroom.  Students are creating passwords and will use computers for extra practice, research and as a communication tool this year. What a great way to prepare them to be "college and career ready!"

This week we also taught the children about our "Hawk Pride" expectations.

                                                                             Be Respectful
                                                   Be Responsible
                                                                             Be Real Safe
DL 1st Grade learn about PBIS on the playground
Ms. Lucas' 5th Grade learning a team game.

Mrs. Cannon's 3rd grade plays kickball.
6th graders show other students how to play
many of our SPA (Supervised Physical Activity Games)

Friday, August 7, 2015

Welcome Back!

We are so excited to have the 2015-2016 school year ready to start.  The teachers are preparing for all of our "Glenbrook Hawks" to return and get ready for learning. Lots of new technology has arrived, and many more new materials. Mr. Luis has the building is shiny and clean!