Saturday, February 13, 2021


February Fun

This week was a mix of learning and celebration.  Thank goodness for that!  The extreme cold temperatures and piles of snow could not get us down!  

While we had to skip our traditional Valentine's Day celebrations, Mrs. Svec's class along with many others made the best of it through virtual parties.  Those who were in person did crafts and some were lucky enough to receive a treat or 2 from their teacher.  Just another way that we had to adapt this year.

Authors have been so generous with their time throughout the pandemic. This week author Alan Gratz joined us for a virtual visit. The students had a great time learning about his writing process and his newest novel Ground Zero and popular read Refugee

   Kaylee Williams - 2nd Grade

Pramathesh Katakam - 4th Grade

                                                                                   Giada LaBarbara - 2nd Grade

I'm always amazed and the beautiful artwork from our talented young people.  Just look at the detail and hard work they put into these pieces.

We also have some very talented musicians at Glenbrook. Our 5th graders have been co-writing music online using Chrome Music Lab.  This lovely piece was written by Sophia Lee and Sarina Ninan. 

                                                     Click here to play the song. 

Finally, several of our classrooms learned about the Lunar New Year, this year the Year of the Ox.  Happy Lunar New Year!

Saturday, February 6, 2021

 100th Day Celebration

Friday, February 5th marked the 100th day of the 2020-2021 school year. It has been an interesting school year for sure, however, there are some traditions that we can't let go of. Kindergartens love to practice counting to 100 and celebrating that they can accomplish this task by the time they get to the 100th day of school.  Check out the fabulous work these little ones shared with us!