Sunday, January 31, 2021

Learning Continues During the First Major Snowfall

Adding to the uniqueness of this school year, our first major snowfall called for the first-ever E-learning snow day.  This was a bit of a disappointment for some of our kids as they thought they'd have a whole day of playing in the snow.  Fortunately, the snow hasn't disappeared and this weekend we were blessed with lots more.  

Saturday, January 16, 2021

 The New Year Brings Students Back to In-Person Learning!

It was such an exciting week at Glenbrook with over 200 students and 38 staff members returning to in-person learning.  While the pandemic certainly made things look and feel different, it felt good to have some face to face interaction again.  Students made comments like, "It was so much fun!" I wasn't scared at all!" My favorite comment came in response to a reminder that we have no school on Monday due to the celebration of the great Martin Luther King, Jr.  I was met with a disappointing, "Awww."  I must say, it was great to see students so happy to be back with us!

We do still have nearly 300 students learning online, and want to continue to help them feel equally as welcome to the learning environment.  We miss them too! 

We ended the week with a virtual author's visit sponsored by Anderson's Books. Thank you to Anderson's and to Author Jennifer Holm for sharing your writing tips and your own personal story with us!