Saturday, August 29, 2020

A Big Thank You to

Eagle Scout James Pusilo!


Glenbrook is fortunate enough to have found a partner in Eagle Scout James Pusilo, Troop 227. James organized, raised funds, and managed a project to build a Gaga Pit for the students at Glenbrook.  We can not wait for our students to come back to school so we can really enjoy the pit!  A big thank you to James, his parents, and to the entire Boy Scout organization for your hard work and generosity! Our students will enjoy the Gaga Pit for many years to come!

On the last day of the project, the scouts found this special rock which was left for them.  On the back of the rock was the message, "Glenbrook Rocks!"  

Upon completion of the project, the scouts try out the Gaga Pit and play a few games.  

         Congratulations to James Pusilo on the completion of the Gaga Pit, his Eagle Scout Project. 

To learn how to play GaGa Ball, go to:  Game Rules  or watch a game with video rules at Video Rules . Please be sure to take care of the Gaga Pit so it will last a long time, and remember, when you play without school supervision, you play at your own risk. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

The First Day of School/2020-2021

The First Day of School


What a great first day of school we had!  It was a little strange to start our school year with no kids on-site, but nearly all students joined in online bright and early. (Despite the early morning Zoom glitch.)  Thanks to the patience of parents, students, and teachers, by 9:00, all of our classes were up and running.  Thanks also to those parents who shared photos with us.  Take a look at these scholars.  Aren't they amazing!

Mrs. DeRoo and Mrs. Vazquez also sent some welcome videos to the students and their families.  If you didn't get a chance to see them, check them out!  It's a great day to be a Hawk!