Sunday, August 25, 2019

Learning about Hawk Pride

This week we enjoyed spending time learning about "Hawk Pride." Our students practiced the expectations for being Respectful, Responsible and Real Safe throughout the school and on the bus.  We also began learning and reciting daily our Hawk Pride Pledge.

As a Glenbrook student
I pledge to be
Respectful, Responsible and Real Safe.
I will do my best at all time,
Where ever I go
to show Hawk Pride.

Thank you students for working hard and helping us to create a fun and safe learning environment for all students!



Sunday, August 18, 2019

Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year!

The first day of school is as exciting as waking up on any holiday.  The staff and students at Glenbrook were all smiles! (Well, there were a few tears mixed in, but not many.)  It was a perfect weather day too, so we couldn't have asked for more.  We did have a bit of a glitch with our sound system which made it hard to hear the welcome message, but hopefully everyone received the welcome loud and clear, we are happy and excited to be back to school!  

Our students easily found their classmates who adorned the same color shirts. Teacher's held up name signs to also create ease in shuffling through the crowd. The buses ran well, although some were a little late. This is expected during the first week or so, but it will work itself out quickly.  








Thank you to all of the parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, babysitters and more, who joined Mrs. DeRoo and Mrs. Vazquez for coffee and cookies after our welcome ceremony.  It was nice to have time to talk and answer your questions. We had nearly 100 parents join us this year!  (Sorry, I didn't remember to take pictures.)

Make sure to log in to my blog each week to see what is happening at Glenbrook. We look forward to an outstanding school year and a great partnership with our families!