Teachers love to learn!
On Monday and Tuesday, while the students were nestled all snug in their homes, teachers spent 2 days learning. They loved it! Most of our time was spent on learning about inquiry and how to use it throughout the subject areas. See below for some of the interesting and fun things we learned about.
The Inquiry Process
Just like students, teachers learn by doing. We spent a morning with U-46 teachers from across the district learning how to better plan for inquiry. Then, we planned an inquiry and participated in an egg drop experiment. Teams created a holding vessel with a variety of given products. We then dropped an egg from 2 stories up into the vessel. Did they crack? Most of our did, so back to the drawing board we will have to go. Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Diaz-Blanco had a successful first drop! Way to go!
Welcome Harvey "Smokey" Daniels
Teacher and inquiry expert Harvey "Smokey" Daniels shared some interesting information from his new book, The Curious Classroom. He also showed videos of inquiry in action which really helped teachers "see" high level inquiry. His knowledge and expertise was extremely valuable.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
What better way to think critically or problem solve than playing a board game. The games are all ones that we have at Glenbrook to be used in classrooms and at the game club. Each game requires cooperation too. These are all games that can be purchased from a game store and Amazon and they are loads of fun.
Designing for Inquiry
Teachers spent an entire afternoon working with teams to recreate some lessons. The teachers took the information that they learned and updated their current lessons to include more questioning, inquiry and cultural relevance. It was a great and productive afternoon.