Saturday, September 30, 2017

Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year!

We have had a great start to the new school year. I'm a little late getting my blog started this year, but I'll catch you up as best I can.  Each week I blog some of the highlights of the week.  This gives my followers a glimpse into the exciting learning and community events that we are doing at Glenbrook Elementary in Streamwood, Illinois.  Come, take a peek!

On our first day of school students, staff and families gathered for our annual flag ceremony on the front lawn of the school.  It's always an exciting day and traditionally beautiful weather!  This year proved to be equally as energizing as previous years.  From our brand new kindergartners ready for their first day of school ever, to our 6th graders, ready to lead the way, our students were glad to be back.  

Positive Behaviors and Supports (PBIS)

With every new school year comes training on the expectations that we have as a community of learners.  Within the first few days all students and staff practice our PBIS routines of Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Real Safe throughout the entire school.  Students move from station to station to learn what it means to show "Hawk Pride."  We even practice "Hawk Pride" on the playground during our SPA Day (Supervised Physical Activity) training.  We know that we can't expect students to know what to do if we don't show them. So far, the students have done a great job too!

Solar Eclipse

August 21, the day of the Solar Eclipse, was one of the most interesting days that I can remember.  Emotions ranged from excitement to anxiety to fear. We couldn't miss the opportunity to head outside for the viewing, so 500 glasses were ordered and most of our students, accompanied by parents, teachers and staff ventured outside to view the phenomenon.  It was most fun to just listen to the, "Whoas", "Oooohs" and "Ahhhs."  This was definitely a day to remember. 

Family Math Night and Ice Cream Social

We've already had our first family event with Family Math Night and Ice Cream Social on September 21.  The night was well attended and lots of fun.  Some of the parents and teachers even got a little competitive!  A special thanks to Officer Matt Stastny who gave a parent presentation for 5th and 6th grade parents on Internet Safety and Cyber bullying during the event.  What valuable information!  


This year's annual Walk-A-Thon turned into a Bubble-A-Thon and was so much fun!  Each grade walked laps around the building with help from parents and teachers while blowing bubbles and walking through bubble machines.  Believe it or not, the 6th graders had just as much fun as our little ones.  Thanks to all who donated. Donations are still coming in, but so far we have raised $3646.00.  The top 3 fundraising winners will be announced next week.

Next week I'll be sharing a few more events and activities that our students have been involved with. If you have any comments, please post them to my blog. I'm thrilled to have had over 13,000 hits on my page, but would love more responses.  Until next week......