Glenbrook Students Give to Global Causes
It's always great to see Glenbrook students taking initiative to raise money and collect items to help our friends all around the world. There have been several fundraising campaigns throughout the school year to help those "neighbors" who are struggling for the even most basic life needs. This year Mrs. Dauksavages' and Mrs. Smith's IGNITE Classrooms joined in a district level cause to collect shoes for the people in Syria. Thanks to the generosity of our students and their families, we have collected over 250 pairs of shoes for our friends in Syria.
Ms. Reiser's class heard about the work of the IGNITE classrooms and they too had an idea of how they could help their friends and families across the globe. Bryan Sanchez, a second grader had family who was affected by the earthquake in Ecuador, so he and his classmates decided to get the school on board raising funds to support those families in need. See the wonderful letter and poem that Bryan and his friends wrote to help raise money for this great cause!
Just as we like to support others, it's nice to know we have our very own supporters. The family of Alexa Rae Bertram, former student of Glenbrook Elementary, donated an entire collection of Harry Potter books to our Glenbrook library in honor of Alexa who tragically passed away at a very young age. Alexa enjoyed the series herself, so this was a great way for her mom and grandma to support Glenbrook students while honoring the memory of the beautiful Alexa!