Friday, September 25, 2015

Sixth Grade Leaders

Mrs. Bury, Mrs. Chandler-Roth and Mrs. Diaz-Blanco are proud and lucky to be working with such a wonderful group of sixth graders this year. The students are motivated to learn and excited to take on many leadership roles in our building.  

In Mrs. Bury's class students explain their thinking using an Elmo projector to display their own Eureka Math problem solving work. Here, 2 students share how they each used drawings and numerical representations to help them solve problems involving ratios. This activity helps students to reach the learning standard 6. RP.1. (Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities.)

Mrs. Chandler-Roth's students are busy writing after identifying that the main character of a song was the victim of bullying. They listened to the song "Roar" by Katy Perry and each wrote a paper citing evidence from the text (lyrics) to support their claim. (RL.6.1)

Research is another important skill within the Illinois Learning Standards. Mrs. Diaz-Blanco's class learns that they can understand a topic by analyzing information presented in different media forms. (RI. 6.7)  On the right students also held important discussions about others sources besides media to find reliable information. 

We could not run our building without the leadership of our 6th grade students.  From peer tutoring to mentoring to Patrols, these students help keep our younger students safe and support learning throughout the Glenbrook community.  Volunteering and Leadership is an important skill for students to learn as well and one that will be vital to them as they begin to prepare for college and the workplace.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Glenbrook's Parent Teacher Association

If you are not a member of the PTA please join!  This group of very hard working and dedicated people support our school each and every day. Their purpose is multi layered. First, they serve as a fundraising group to help supply the students with materials and other items that they would otherwise not have.  Some examples of items that the PTA has purchased are Laptops, LCD Projectors, A-Z Reading subscriptions, JiJi Math(ST Math), and a variety of assemblies for students.  

The PTA also plans many events throughout the school year to bring our families together. It's a great way for families to socialize and for our children to have a safe and inexpensive way to have fun together.  From monthly "Dining Out Nights to the Halloween Bash" to "Family Reading Nights" to the" Family Fun Fair" your kiddos will love joining in on all of the fun!

Last Saturday our PTA partnered with the Dual Language Team to hold a family picnic.  It was a beautiful day and a great way for families to get to know each other. The cool weather kept the bees away and the children had a wonderful time playing in the yard.  Thanks to the parents and teachers who kept the soccer games going too!

Thursday evening was our first PTA meeting. Thanks to the parents who came out to help  plan the school year.  We hope that more of you will join us next month, Thursday, October 17, at 7:00 PM, and become members of the PTA. Babysitting is provided each month by high school students and meetings are kept to 1 hour.  If you are unable to attend meetings, you can still join and become a part of a smaller committee. Simply contact the me at and I will put you in touch with the membership team.

Friday, September 11, 2015

A Look into Glenbrook's Library

Visitors are always impressed with the beautiful and spacious library at Glenbrook Elementary. Thanks to the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) we have been able to purchase many new book titles over the past several years, including those on the Battle of the Books (BOB) list.  All of our classrooms visit the library each week for 30 minutes and are able to check out books to enjoy at home or to read during their independent reading time at school.

Mr. Chavez's class reads their new
books and waits patiently with their
friends to go back to class. It's so much
fun to get a new book each week!

Mrs. McDonald introduces the 5th graders to some of  our students' favorite authors and to the books that they can find in our library.


Mrs. Considine shares an all time favorite "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" with Mrs. Lentino's Kindergartners.  Can you see them shaking their coconut trees?  Inside are tiny hidden letters that they search to find.

Now that they are finished finding letters, they can check out their books
and sit and read with their friends.  

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Each week the students in first through sixth grade participate in art, music and physical education for 40 minutes each.  These classes provide students with healthy ways to enrich their minds and bodies and explore other areas of talents and creativity.

Students make a surprise picture with Mrs. Kuropas as they practice working with lines and shapes.  Mrs. Foss also works on elements of art with her students.

Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Narofsky teach the students to tap to the beat using percussion instruments and other tools.

Physical Education (P.E.) is always a favorite.  From basketball to jump rope to Clown College, Mrs. Peterson and Mr. Velasquez help the students practice a variety of skills and health management.  (They "THINK"  they are just playing.)